Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Coming to Israel's Aid

So Bush said in a press conference today that Israel is our ally and we will stand by them in the event of any attack. But what about when Israel launches a pre-emptive strike on Iran? We know it will happen soon, especially since Ahmadinejad is instituting all kinds of Nazi-esque policies such as making non-Muslims wear an outward symbol identifying their religion. Our support of Israel has directly caused the animosity of the muslim nations, as we support an unwanted invader in a region formerly dominated by the Muslim powers. Now, the single most dominant nation in the region is Israel and nobody likes being dominated by their most hated enemy.

Personally I am surprised about how PEACEFUL the Middle East is. With all of the centuries-old tension and incredible disparity of wealth, as well as the past political and military history, I would think that we'd be seeing civil wars, and wars across borders between factions and religious groups. Sure we're seeing conflict, but not war. War is when the nation shuts down and concetrates 100% on the struggle. At most, we're seeing skirmishes and battles, but we're not seeing major military operations. The fact that Israel is not in a war is just beyond me. Their political strategy is to dominate and not take any shit. If someone slaps them, they shoot and stab back. Look at the 1967 war http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1967_war and the Yom Kippur war http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yom_Kippur_War and you can see that they could stand up to 4 nations with far superior numbers of troops, tanks and planes. In fact, Israel simply destroyed the military of Egypt, Syria and Jordan despite the fact that they started off on the defensive. It's been a while since a country had the balls to attack Israel outright with a full military onslaught, but Iran seems to be growing a pair.

A little while back I wrote about a scenario where Israel launched a preemptive nuclear strike on Iran. Nobody knows what kind of nuclear arsenal Israel has because they've never allowed the outside world a glimpse of their weapons of mass destruction technology. But what we do know is that Israel is willing to launch strikes that kill innocent civilians as long as they reach their target. So this doctrine that Bush just put forth may put us in the position of choosing sides in a nuclear conflict.

I think that WWIII is a foregone conclusion, it will be the Christians versus the Muslims with the Jews joining sides with the Christians. China and India will jump in in a opportunistic grab for power. In the end, we will all emerge as losers. The world will sink back into the dark ages and progress will be lost. But can we avert this pending disaster? Tune in tomorrow for my answer...


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