Friday, May 12, 2006

Who else was juicing? (Mini-Blog)

I was watching CostasNow recently and he had this great special on the steroid controversy. Take a look if you can. But I have been thinking: sure McGwire, Giambi, Palmeiro, Bonds, Caminitti, Sheffield and Canseco were all juicing, but who else seems like a prime candidate?

Here's my list of other guys who I think were juicing:

John Rocker (Roid Rage anyone?)
Glenallen Hill
Patrick Lennon
Ellis Burks (before he was 30: .281 .347 .467, After 30: .300 .379 .552)
Luis Gonzalez
Brady Anderson
Jason Kendall (0 homers since testing started, highly competitive)
Darryl Kile (I think his death might be related to Caminitti's)
Mike Hampton (might have started when he went to Atlanta)

That's my list; completely free of evidence, but look at the numbers and most of these guys had a season come out of nowhere; usually after the age where most others break down.


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