Thursday, March 30, 2006

So Apple is enduring some legal issues about people having hearing difficulties from listening to their iPods too loudly. Maybe it's just me, but when my MP3 player is too loud, I TURN IT DOWN. I don't sue Samsung for producing a product that delivers exactly what it was designed to do. This is a uniquely American pastime, blaming companies for producing products that work too well or that are too enjoyable. To me, it's just about Darwinism, if someone is dumb enough to engage in a harmful activity repeatedly, they deserve all of the consequences of their actions.

I eat about a pound of sugar/candy every day (that's probably not as much of an exaggeration as I'd hope) and instead of blaming Nestle and Tootsie for producing such addictive treats, I praise them for providing me with the pleasure I receive from their products. But Americans cannot accept responsibility for their own actions, that's just their nature. When kids are getting into trouble, parents blame TV or Rap Music instead of looking in the mirror and realizing that they are just horrible parents. When a woman spilled hot coffee on her lap, she blamed McDonalds instead of her own moronic self for spilling scalding hot coffee on her own lap.

Even the cigarrette companies face undue scrutiny nowadays. Since we are all aware of the dangers of smoking, and have been for decades, why are people still suing tobacco companies for the harm caused to them by smoking? Even if something is addicting like nicotine, amphetamines, sugar, caffiene, cocaine or sex, it's that person's choice to engage in those kinds of activities. Why can't people just blame themselves for their shortcomings? Instead of ruining the iPod for those who like to damage their ears (Cam, you should know a little something about choosing to damage your ears), why not just TURN THE VOLUME DOWN? Seriously, they put this story on CNN, CNBC, MSN, Yahoo! and NPR about how listening to the iPod too loud can damage your shit, really? I never realized that loud sounds broadcasted directly in one's ear could damage it...oh yeah, I learned that in kindergarten!


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