Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I take issue with the statement "All men are created equal", since this is obviously not true. This is one of the political correctness agendas I despise the most. Once kids are in 1st grade, it's very clear that some of them are slow and dumb and some of them are fast learners; some have great hand-eye coordination, and some can't even clap their hands. If all men were created equal, we wouldn't have such diverse abilities and physical characteristics. In fact, I think that if you believe that, you are selling many people short, since there are those who stand out above the rest.

History remembers those who stand out, not those who blend in. Martin Luther King Jr. was not the equal of Jackie had oratory skills and the other had athletic skills, but both served as ambassadors in the Civil Rights Movement. But those two both had something else within: Greatness. This is a quality that only a few possess, it is something that is instilled within them from birth.

Compare Muhammad Ali to Mike Tyson. Both were phenomenal talents who beat opponents with such domination and skill, but only Ali will go down in history as a great man. While Ali was jailed for being anti-war and standing up for his beliefs, Tyson was a rapist. While Ali brought people together as fans, Tyson almost singlehandedly destroyed the sport of boxing. These are two men who were born with an incredible talent that only happens once a generation, but they were polar opposites. Even those who achieve greatness (no matter whether or not they lost that greatness) in the same sport are truly unique from each other. Pedro Martinez, Roger Clemens and Greg Maddux will go down as the best of their generation, but the three couldn't be any more different from each other.

I for one was born without the ability to concentrate on one thing (unless that "thing" is a hot blonde), but with the ability to calculate pretty complex math problems in my head. I can't dunk (or even touch rim), but I can outrun most of the guys I play ball with. Basically, I am an individual, a one-of-a-kind person, but so is EVERYONE else. Even twins have something to distinguish themselves from each other. So instead of complaining how we don't all get treated equally, discover your own strengths and use those to your advantage. Because everyone has something that makes them stand out, something that makes them special; With evolution comes specialization, and each one of us on this planet was built for a specific task. I think the point of life is to discover this special skill and to use it in order to improve the global society.

Finally, imagine how boring this world would be if everyone was exactly the same. Now try to think of one good reason for why we should all be the same, because I can't.


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