Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A few years back I heard someone say that the only way for Africa (and the rest of the 3rd world) to truly become modern societies was for an internal renaissance. I believe that this renaissance is finally starting to occur in some parts of the Dark Continent. This year there was a film from South Africa that won the Academy Award for best foreign film (Tsotsi) and we're finding more and more music and other popular culture coming from the land of Apartheid as well as Nigeria, Senegal and Liberia among others.

Europe lived in darkness for centuries, constantly fighting wars, disease and (roman, Catholic, Moorish, Turkish, Hunish...) imperialism. Suddenly in the late 13th century a new era started to emerge with the sudden abundance of brilliance. This era was the European Renaissance, and that helped to vault Europe to global control and world domination. The new emphasis on individual achievement and creativity helped to brighten the dark ages and bring the world to a modern era. I believe that the Magna Carta (1215) may have been a major factor which lead the the European Renaissance.

Africa's history is tragic. Great societies vanished and the people exploited by those of whiter skin and northern territories. Many potentially great artists and leaders sold into slavery by rivals and imperialistic powers made the continent suffer for centuries. The problems in Africa are most prevalent at the Horn (drought/famine), in the Sudan (Genocide) and in the Congo river valley (genocide, disease) but there are some places that are starting to emerge as truly "developing" economies and governments. Corruption is still rampant, but democracy is starting to take hold in many places. The recent Liberian elections were an eye-opener to other nations in Europe.

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf was exiled because of her pro-freedom/democracy views, she even had a few bounties on her head. Her main opponent in the election was not a general with the backing of the military (like in the "elections" in Kenya), but the greatest soccer star (George Weah) Liberians have ever known. But she was elected fairly and is now the first ever female elected to be an African head of state. The previous leader of Liberia is a fugitive from a War Crimes trial, escaping indictment recently after hiding in Kenya. This shift to liberal democracy is a great sign that the worst is over. But Africa needs our help. We've stolen so much from them over the years that we should be obligated to give control of resources back to the rightful owners. Why should people in Antwerp grow rich from the exploitation of Botswana's resources?

So Africa is emerging now, we're seeing their popular culture crossing the Pacific, and soon we may see significant business development on the vast continent. Just keep your eyes and ears tuned to art coming directly from Africa, as that will be their ticket out of the depths of exploitation and into prosperity.


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