Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Korean Missile Crisis

Kim Jong Il is a cartoon villian. He talks big, makes crazy claims and doesn't seem to answer to anyone or anything. Oh yeah, and he actually has the technology and authority to bring his insanity to the forefront of our current events. The Daily Show made fun of the North Korean missile because it had a name that sounded like "Type O' Dong" when named in English. But this missile, despite the failed test on July 4th (think that's a coincedence?), has the ability to wreak havoc on the Pacific Coast. This world is getting more and more complicated, and the technology that used to only be in the hands of the two hegemonies (USSR and USA), is now available to anyone with enough of a drive. I'm just amazed that more rogues aren't able to develop their own weapon systems.

The inherent danger in the Korean missile is not in our borders, but in Asia. What happens if Kim Jong Il decides to launch an attack on Tokyo or Seoul? That would send the Asian economy into a tailspin, which would certainly lead to a worldwide recession. We have had a lot of "busts" recently in our global economy, it's only a wonder how many more we can handle before the damage becomes too great. W missed his opportunity to eliminate the North Korean threat when he had the chance. Kim Jong Il was making all kinds of crazy statements, basically asking us to invade, but our fear of China and (i believe) our racist feelings towards the Islamic nations held us back. So then we attacked the wrong Ira_ country and now we have both the leader of North Korea and Iran threatening Nuclear actions.

I will continue this tomorrow...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

Thursday, July 20, 2006 6:21:00 PM  

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